My download speed is very low

Such problems affect many servers because data connections are established between you, our CDN provider, our servers, and the filehoster (if it is a download from a filehoster). This means that there are many points along the way that can be the cause of the problem, and not all of them are under our control. But routing between your ISP and our CDN or servers is also important. Unfortunately, there is no catch-all solution, as the ISPs decide how to route you to our servers. The only thing we can try on our site is to give you several options on how the file will reach your ISP's network. This is exactly what you can do by adjusting your download server location setting in your account. Here's a short guide:

  1. Start the speed test, which you can find here. (We recommend to start with locations close to you)
  2. Once you completed testing, you can select the location that was fastest for you. Traffic will now be routed through this server.

Some users have reported that they have speed problems on their Kodi device, while there have been no problems on their browser or laptop. There can be several bottlenecks that have nothing to do with Maybe the device is too weak to decrypt the encrypted file transfer, or the WiFi signal on your box is much slower than on your laptop. Of course, make sure that the bandwidth is basically available, here you should look out for other downloads, Netflix & Co. and online games on your network. After all, it won't help if your entire Internet connection is too slow to properly stream the video file size. A quick test: If the download takes longer than the video length, streaming will not work.

If you still have speed problems or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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