You are a webmaster, blogger or a social media genius?
Independent blog posts and reviews about our service are important to us. We prefer guerilla marketing and word of mouth over expensive marketing campaigns so we can keep investing in new functions and infrastructure.
Do you have an established website and many visitors? Earn free days, free accounts or even money for it!
Contact our support team to get an account!
Trial Vouchers
As a webmaster you can request free trial vouchers for your users.
Please contact us for details.
90 Days Free Premium
Publish a review or tutorial about on your blog, website or YouTube and get 90 days premium for free.
Texts must have at least 500 words, videos should not be shorter than five minutes and must have at least 1000 views.
Please contact us to claim your reward.
1 Year Free Premium
Write a detailed review or article about us with at least 1000 words and a few pictures. Alternatively, you can post a professional video on your YouTube or social media channels.
Your website, blog, forum or social media account must be at least a few months old and have regular visitors.
Please contact us to claim your reward.
You are a forum admin and have a big community? Please contact us for an individual arrangement. reserves the right to reject submitted reviews or tutorials at its sole discretion.